zu „Ionic 6 – Create awesome apps for iOS, Android, Desktop and Web“
1 Introduction
1.1 The idea behind Ionic 5
1.2 Installations 15
1.3 How to read this book 19
1.4 The book‘s website 20
1.5 Our „BoB Tours“ app 21
Summary 24
2 Angular Essentials
2.1 What is Angular? 25
2.2 Components 27
2.3 Lifecycle Hooks 30
2.4 Dependency Injection 34
2.5 Routing and Lazy Loading 36
2.6 Content Projection 39
2.7 *ngFor 40
2.8 Pipes 41
2.9 Promises 44
2.10 Observables 46
2.11 Async / Await 51
Summary 54
3 The first app
3.1 ionic start 55
3.2 ionic serve 62
3.3 First coding and Live Reload 66
3.4 Structure of an Ionic project 69
3.5 The side menu app for our book project 72
Summary 74
4 Navigation
4.1 Have a plan 75
4.2 Generate pages 77
4.3 Routing 85
4.4 Extract Data from Routes with ActivatedRoute 89
4.5 Pro Tip – Install the Augury Chrome Plugin 94
Summary 95
5 Services & Storage
5.1 Database Backend with Google Firebase 97
5.2 An HTTPClient Service 101
5.3 Place the service in the right place 111
5.4 Extend the service 116
5.5 Sorting data with Lodash 120
5.6 Filtering data 122
5.7 Using a route parameter 132
5.8 Local Storage 136
5.9 Ionic Storage 146
Summary 150
6 UI Components
6.1 Introduction 151
6.2 Action Sheet 153
6.3 Alert 160
6.4 Badge 165
6.5 Button 171
6.6 Card 172
6.7 Checkbox 177
6.8 Chip 182
6.9 Date & Time Pickers 185
6.10 Floating Action Button 192
6.11 Grid 196
6.12 Icons 200
6.13 Images 205
6.14 Input 208
6.15 List 212
6.16 Menu 219
6.17 Modal 222
6.18 Popover 233
6.19 Progress Indicators 240
6.20 Radio 244
6.21 Range 250
6.22 Reorder 260
6.23 Searchbar 265
6.24 Segment 269
6.25 Select 280
6.26 Slides 284
6.27 Toast 294
6.28 Toggle 297
6.29 Toolbar 302
Summary 305
7 Form validation
7.1 Introduction 307
7.2 Defining our form requirements 308
7.3 Implementation 310
Summary 329
8 Theming, Styling, Customizing
8.1 Introduction 331
8.2 Simple Theming 332
8.3 Local and global (S)CSS files 341
8.4 CSS Utilities 350
8.5 Advanced Theming 354
8.6 Fonts 357
8.7 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 362
8.8 Ionic Animations 367
8.9 Dynamic Theming 376
8.10 UI-Design for Tablets (Split Pane Layout) 382
Summary 392
9 Ionic Native
9.1 Introduction 393
9.2 Geolocation 395
9.3 A map for our app 401
9.4 Native Plugins in browsers 423
Summary 424
10 Communication & Messaging
10.1 Mails, SMS & Co 425
10.2 Social Sharing 431
10.3 Notifications 437
Summary 446
11 Debugging & Testing
11.1 Health Check with Ionic Doctor 447
11.2 Strictly Typing! 449
11.3 Browser Debugging 458
11.4 Emulator / Simulator 484
11.5 Live Device / Remote Debugging 492
11.6 Testing 496
Summary 509
12 Build, Deploy & Publish
12.1 Introduction 511
12.2 The web build process 512
12.3 config.xml 520
12.4 Resources: Icons and Splash Screens 522
12.5 Deploy & publish for Android 524
12.6 Deploy & publish for iOS (on a Mac) 533
12.7 Deploy & publish for Desktop with Electron 543
12.8 Deploy & publish Progressive Web Apps 546
12.9 Ionic Appflow 553
Summary 560
Bonus: Ionic and other frameworks
B1. Ionic without any framework 561
B2. Ionic and Capacitor 565
B3. Ionic and React 573
B4. Ionic and Vue 594
Summary 630